More than Ugly

Chase Raymond ‘s The Ugly Inside introduces Jenica Aimes. While the reader decides if they can relate to Ms. Aimes, they’re blown into an alternate reality known as ‘Leigh.’ The crafted details, descriptions, and settings of this fantasy engulfs the reader. This storyteller leaves you wanting to read the next page. Mr. Raymond’s writing skill immerses the reader into the story: watching the training sessions, experiencing the healing pools, feeling every blow of combat, and struggling to balance destiny.

If you liked Suzanne Collins and James Dashner’s books, you’ll find Raymond’s Jenica bewitching. She mesmerizes the reader. 

CAUTION: This book is addicting. Wow! This is one ‘hell of a read.’
I can’t wait until the next Jenica Aimes book is published.

This book is available in paperback or online or audio on 

Escape from the Fray – READ

Want to escape from the fray on television and radio? Try reading this book. The writer brings levity to the ordinary and sympathy to the sublime. You see a life in  a different perspective.  This pamphlet of anecdotal stories leads you to fresh and unique topics to talk about at dinner parties and family gatherings.

 MostlyAnecdotalStoriesbkcoverThis small book of stories is personal, humorous, with a peek into one man’s life. Between the covers of Norman Jenson’s Mostly Anecdotal Stories, is revealed the views of a young man, husband, father, brother, and a “birder.”
Written in the style of Will Rodgers and Garrison Keillor, Jenson spins his stories to fit an  action. A delightful book to read and a wonderful book to give to anyone regardless of gender or occasion.
A great book to download on your phone and read on the train, in waiting rooms or the porcelain library. 
It is available on Amazon both online and in paperback.

Caution: This ‘good read’ is better when the reader savors each story.